The Law Firm of Reyes, Santos and Teng was borne out of a vision of a law practice that puts above all else the legal professions ethical and professional responsibility to its clients, the courts, and the public. 

Our legal staff consists of experienced practitioners in their respective fields. Our practice covers all fields of law, with particular focus on commercial and tax law.

When you retain an attorney from RST Law, we make sure that the entire law firm gives your business or your case the attention it deserves.

Quality of work is most important to us. Our attorneys have been trained to provide our clients effective representation and informed advice necessary for the attainment of our clients goals.

With our continuing drive to offer the best service possible, coupled with utmost professional integrity, we can assure you of world-class service tailored to the preferences of our clients.



(c) 2008 - The Law Firm of Reyes, Santos and Teng

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